
Hallowed throughout the universe, this asteroid is the final resting place for only the greatest of heroes.

Chemical King Memorial Statue Chemical King Died to prevent World War VII (Superboy 228)
Earth-Man Memorial Statue Earth-Man A life of contradiction, a heroic death (Legion of Super-Heroes 16)
Ferro Lad Memorial Statue Ferro Lad Who gave his life that the galaxy might live (Adventure 353)
Hate Face Hate Face The face of a devil| the soul of an angel -- he rescued millions| yet none could bear his revolting visage. Some day he died in battle -- others say it was his broken heart that killed him.
Invisible Kid (Lyle) Memorial Statue Invisible Kid Died in battle with Validus (Superboy 203)
Karate Kid (Val) Memorial Statue Karate Kid Sacrified his life to save a world (Legion of Super-Heroes 4)
Kid Psycho Memorial Statue Kid Psycho Sacrificed himself for others (Crisis on Infinite Earths 3)
Laurel Gand Memorial Statue Laurel Gand (Legion of Super-Heroes 59)
Leeta 87 Leeta 87 Singlehandedly,. she defeated innumerable super-villains| but one day slipped on a banyo-fruit peel, fracturing her skull. An ironic end to an illustrious career.
Leviathan/Colossal Boy memorial statue Leviathan (Legion of Super-Heroes #83)
Mentalla Memorial Statue Mentalla Victim of the Emerald Empress (Legion of Super-Heroes 26)
Mog Yagor Mog Yagor He saved his home planet Vasmeer -- but perished himself while defeating a space beast.
Nimbok Nimbok This mutant rescued his alien race from a score of incredible perils| until he was slain by a treacherous sorcerer who pretended to be his most trusted friend
Phantom Girl Memorial Statue Phantom Girl No Legionnaire served more honorably; No woman loved and was loved so deeply.
Triplicate Girl/Triad Memorial Statue Triplicate Girl One of her selves was killed by Computo (Adventure 340)
Variable Lad Memorial Statue Variable Lad A true hero (Adventure 529)
Wildfire Memorial Statue Wildfire Sacrified himself on Black Dawn / Lost in Time (Legion of Super-Heroes 1)