Devised by Brainiac 5 and presumably based on the experimental Serum XY-4 (Adventure 300), the anti-lead serum protects Daxamites from lead poisoning and allows them to use their powers under a red sun. The raw materials are so scarce that only one dose can be produced every 48 hours. Curiously, Mon-El takes his serum every 8 hours; logically, he should run out after the first dose. This discrepancy remains unexplained.
One of the rare ingredients of the anti-lead serum is kryptonite.
Legion Equipment
First Appearance:
Adventure 305 |
Created by Brainiac 5, the Anywhere machine is a modification fo virtual reality tech that allows users to see, hear, and (optionally) participate in real time in events anuywhere on the universe. First Appearance:
A spray containing a compound that prevents Durlans from changing shape. First Appearance:
Adventure 321 |
Legion clubhouse from the DC Animated Universe. First Appearance:
Superman: The Animated Series #303 |
The Legion used a lot of computers. First Appearance:
Adventure #315 |
A machine which concentrates all the power in the universe, of every kind, into one destructive beam. First Appearance:
Adventure 321 |
Part of the Legion Headquarters defense system, a detention sphere can imprison intruders in a flexible-yet-resistant transparent bubble high above the floor. First Appearance:
Action 392 |
Invented by Brainiac 5 and controlled by will-power, flight rings enable Legionnaires to fly without cumbersome flight belts. First Appearance:
Adventure 329 |
Used by Legionnaires for flying before the invention of the flight ring. First Appearance:
Adventure 306 |
A magical dial that enables an ordinary person to become a superhero for a short time, such as an hour, by selecting the letters H-E-R-O in order. Each time it is used, the dial causes its possessor to become a superhero with a different name, costume, and powers. First Appearance:
Legion of Super-Heroes #91 |
First Appearance:
Legion of Super-Heroes 284 |
Used by the Legion for flight before flying belts and flight rings. First Appearance:
Adventure 247 |
Ship used by the Legionnaires who were exiled inn the 20th century. First Appearance:
Legion of Super-Heroes #93 |
Legion cruiser in the Arrowverse First Appearance:
Supergirl (tv show) #310 |
Legion Cruiser for the Earth-247 Legion. First Appearance:
Legion of Super-Heroes #63 |
Sometimes the Legion Cruisers depicted in a story are of a nonstandard design. This can probably be considered Chronicler 's Error. First Appearance:
Cruiser design appearing in Retro Legion and New52 stories. First Appearance:
The first space cruiser operated by the Legion, shown in flashback. First Appearance:
The Legion's chronologically earliest space cruiser appeared in Action 287. The Legion also used a Mark 01 in Adventure 330, for no apparent reason. First Appearance:
Action 287 |
The Mark 02 Cruiser debuted in Adventure306. When the Legion graduated to the Mark 03, the Mark 02 was used by the Legion of Substitute Heroes (Adventure 319). First Appearance:
Adventure 306 |
The venerable Mark 03 Cruiser served the Legion from Adventure 309 to Adventure 349. Models existed in a variety of colors, including red, orange, green, blue, red/yellow, red/white, and pink/white/blue. Minor design changes were evident from issue to issue. First Appearance:
Adventure 309 |
The baroque Mark 04 was only used in Adventure 328 and Adventure 329. The three-ship fleet consisted of three colors: red, blue, and green. The Mark 04 's performance must have been disappointing, because after using it for only a short time, the Legion went back to the Mark 03. First Appearance:
Adventure 328 |
The Mark 05 Cruiser had a brief tryout in Adventure 343 (red) and Adventure 344 (yellow). Unfortunately, the Mark V proved too crash-prone, and the Legion once again returned to the tried-and-true design of the Mark 03. First Appearance:
Adventure 343 |
Beginning in Adventure 350, the Legion finally found a serviceable replacement for its aging fleet of Mark 03s. The Mark 06, obviously based on its predecessor, served the Legion well until Adventure 365. At least six Mark 06s were seen in service: 3 red, 2 yellow, and 1 blue. Others may have been in action behind the scenes. First Appearance:
Adventure 350 |
The Mark 07 Cruiser, the fastest and most powerful ship in the galaxy, debuted in Adventure 367. A fleet of at least 4 Mark 07s was a gift to the Legion from the United Planets members. There is no indication that the Legion ever flew any of them. An untold story lurks there, friends.... First Appearance:
Adventure 367 |
The Mark 08 cruiser served the Legion from Action 386 through 392, again with minor design changes along the way. First Appearance:
Action 386 |
Cruisers of the Mark 09 design appeared in Superboy 172 - Superboy 183, but this design was no more satisfactory than the Mark 08. First Appearance:
Sueprboy 172 |
With the advent of the Mark 10 cruiser, the Legion finally had a state-of-the-art fleet that was a worthy successor to the Mark 03/Mark 06 design. Fully equipped, spacious, and striking in design, the Mark 10 served the Legion from Superboy 184 thru LSH (v. 2) 285. It was replaced by the Mark 494. First Appearance:
Superboy 184 |
The Mark 11 cruiser replaced the Mark 494 in LSH (v. 2) 303. More compact and more heavily-shielded than the Mark 10 or Mark 494, the Mark 11's modular design facilitates mass production, allowing for easy repair and replacement of damaged vessels. As hard as the Legion is on its cruisers, this is a definite bonus! First Appearance:
Legion of Super-Heroes 303 |
The versatile and speedy Mark 494 debuted in Legion of Super-Heroes 288 (6/1982), replacing the venerable Mark 10. First Appearance:
Best of DC 24 |
The Legion flag is made of indestructible material and luminous so it can be seen for hundreds of miles. First Appearance:
Adventure 308 |
Headquarters of the Earth-247 Legion, located in Metropolis. First Appearance:
Leg9on of Super-Heroes #63 |
Legion Headquarters design based on the old Super-Hero Clubhouse, appearing in Retro and New52 Legion stories. First Appearance:
The renovated Super Hero Clubhouse on New Earth, headquarters of the SW6 Legion. First Appearance:
Legion of Super-Heroes 41 |
Located on Talus, with access to centuries worth of technology from the junk that makes up the planetoid. First Appearance:
Legion of Super-Heroes 14 |
The Legion Headquarters complex was paid for by the United Planets as a replacement for the damaged Super Hero Club House. These buildings served as the Legion 's headquarters until destroyed in battle with Omega. (Superboy and the LSH 251) First Appearance:
Adventure 367 |
A replacement for the Headquarters building destroyed in battle with Omega. First Appearance:
Super-Star Holiday Special 21 |
A new Headquarters constructed from the debris of Legion Headquarters III by Brainiac 5 and Computo in LSH 311. First Appearance:
On Earth-247, the Legion of Super-Heroes decided to branch off their headquarters in Earth in the wake of an expanding roster and set up a second headquarters to be orbited in space. The Legion Outpost's official name was Outpost Allen, named after fallen Legionnaire Gim Allon. It was a repurposed research station, United Planets Outpost #7. First Appearance:
Legionnaires #55 |
An artificial planetoid constructed by Brande Industries, which served as the Earth-247 Legion's headquarters folloiwing the group's re-formation after the Rift Disaster. First Appearance:
The Legion #3 |
Contains cell tissue from Legionnaires, including those who are deceased. First Appearance:
Superboy 206 |
A machine produces medallions engraved with the image of whatever its photo-eye is focused on. First Appearance:
Adventure 304 |
Constructed of Lurium metal, mind-helmets scramble thought-waves and block telepathy. First Appearance:
Adventure 303 |
A gift from the Controllers, the Miracle Machine turns thoughts into reality. Because of its danger, it was kept in a block of inertron in Legion Headquarters. The Miracle Machine was consumed by Matter-Eater Lad in order to defeat Omega. (Superboy and the LSH 251) First Appearance:
Adventure 367 |
The Mission Monitor Board (sometimes Mission Monitor, sometimes just Monitor) tracks Legionnaires and often allows for remote viewing of their activities. First Appearance:
Adventure 301 |
Kryptonian device used for entering and leaving the Phantom Zone. First Appearance:
Superboy 89 |
Device which allows observation of and communication with the Phantom Zone. First Appearance:
Adventure 293 |
Undoubtedly a reconfiguration of the general Selector Machine, the Planetary Chance Machine consists of a spinning sphere with many planets connected. As a planet flies off, the Legionnaire who is struck by it is the one selected. First Appearance:
Adventure 319 |
A portable, personal monitor Legionnaires can use to watch missions and communicate with teammates. First Appearance:
Adventure #392 |
The miraculous dirigible that serves as the Golden Age Legion's Flying Fortress. First Appearance:
Legionnaires #54 |