Frequently Asked Questions

Who's Listed

I try to list all appearances of Legionnaires and major characters. This includes images, visions, flashbacks, statues and statuettes, disembodied heads, and any other visual representations of the characters.


Who's a Major Character?

Ultimately, it's a judgement call. I try to include all continuing characters: Legionnaires, friends, family members, professional associates, villains, and assorted others. For one-shot characters, I try to include those whose names are given, have speaking parts, or who otherwise play a major role in a story.


What About Non-Legion Stories?

When Legionnaires make appearances in other comics, I only list the characters with a direct Legion connection. For example, if the Legion guest-stars with the Justice League, I don't list all the Justice Leaguers. I make exceptions for the SCPA, certain characters from the Flash mythos, members of L.E.G.I.O.N. and R.E.B.E.L.S., and others that seem to belong. The Martian Manhunter, for example, has a long history of being entwined with the LSH.


Why Are Some Covers Duplicated?

Because that issue contains more than one Legion feature. Maybe there's a backup story or a reference feature.


What's an L-Number?

Glad you asked. Here's an explanation.


Where did you get your cover images?

Cover images are from the Grand Comics Database at


Why don't you have flight rings listed for every story?

Legionnaires always wear them. I only list equipment when it's actually pictured in the story, or otherwise plays a major part. Flights rings, transuits, and the like are often invisible, and therefore not listed. I'll sometimes omit the various Legion Headquarters when all we see is a panel or two of interiors.


Why do your listings jump around?

When I started this site, I realized completing the story listings was going to be a years-long job, so it would help to list current comics as they came in. I started with the New52 Legion as a convenient starting place. [2019 addition: in the wake of the Crisis in Drupal 6, there will be more gaps. I can't predict how quickly they'll fill, or in what order.

Remember how Mr. Mind went around eating parts of spacetime, leaving Booster Gold to fix then holes? It's like that. Stay tuned.]


What's an Archetype?

A character's archetype is the form of the character that serves as a model for variants or alternates of that character. Most of the time, a character's archetype is the character's first published appearance in the Legion mythos. A more detailed explanation is here.


What's the difference between Continuity, Variant, and DC Multiverse?

Short answer: They have nothing to do with one another. Long answer here.