Adventures in the DC Universe #10

26 Oct 2020
Adventures in the DC Universe #10
Adventures in the DC Universe #10 1998/Jan
Cover Text: 

in the 30th Century!

"The Blobs"

Legion origin retold
Time Period(s): 
30th century

Mission Monitor Board

Apparition (earth-247)
Brainiac 5/5.1 (earth-247)
Chameleon (earth-247)
Chuck Taine (earth 247)
Cosmic Boy (earth 247)
Ferro (earth-247)
Gates (earth-247)
Invisible Kid (earth-247)
Kinetix (earth-247)
Live Wire (earth-247)
R.J. Brande (earth-247)
Saturn Girl (earth-247)
Sensor (earth-247)
Shrinking Violet/LeVIathan/Vi (earth-247)
Shvaughn Erin (earth-247)
Spark (earth-247)
Tenzil Kem (earth-247)
Triad (earth-247)
Ultra Boy (earth 247)
Umbra (earth-247)
Valor/M'Onel (earth-247)
XS (earth-247)
Live Wire (earth-247)
Ultra Boy (earth 247)

Get-a-Life Boy says

Although this story is done in an animation style, it is not part of the Adventures Animated Legion from Justice League Unlimited et al.