Supergirl (tv show) #212

26 Oct 2020
Supergirl (tv show) #212 2017/13 Feb 2017


Time Period(s): 
Superman's Time
21st century

Mission Monitor Board

Mon-El (Arrowverse)
James Olsen (Arrowverse)
Martian Manhunter (Arrowverse)
Mon-El (Arrowverse)
Supergirl (Arrowverse)
DC Multiverse: 

Get-a-Life Boy says

In discussing romantic relationships (in relation to Alex & Maggie's romance), Mon-El says, "On Daxam it was 'the more the merrier.'" Oooo, baby!

Among the weapons in Luthor's Lair is "an atomic axe." Unknown if this is a reference to the Persuader. If so, though, that might indicate a cool addition to Legion mythos: if the Persuader's atomic axe was invented by Lex Luthor.