Supergirl (tv show) #115

26 Oct 2020
Supergirl (tv show) #115 2016/29 Feb


Time Period(s): 
21st century
James Olsen (Arrowverse)
Martian Manhunter (Arrowverse)
Supergirl (Arrowverse)
DC Multiverse: 

Bits of Legionnaire Business

  • A Legion flight ring is prominently displayed in the Fortress when Supergirl and James Olsen visit.

Get-a-Life Boy says

Both James (Jimmy) Olsen and the Martian Manhunter have had connections with the LSH in other continuities. I will continue to list them in episodes with another Legion connection. However, I don't think either of them (in these versions) have enough of a Legion connection to justify listing episodes as LSH-related merely on their account. Nor will I list other characters without any Legion connection.