Bits of Future Business

Gadget Gadget


A gadget that reveals a subject's moral compass. A blue aura indicates someone who is honest, while a purple aura indicates excellent crime potential.

Battery bed

A medical treatment for Lightning Lad designed by Brainiac 5.

Bizarro Ray

A device that produces a ray which turns things into their Bizarro equivalent.

Boom Tube

A Boom Tube is a slang expression for an extra dimensional point-to-point travel portal opened by a Mother Box used primarily by the New Gods of New Genesis and Apokolips. The moniker derives from the loud "BOOM" that erupts when a tube is created.

Chameleoid costume

A costume that can change appearance to match any other costume.


A way Mon-El gets clean.

Cold light globes

Valuable light-producing devices from the planet Oranz

Containment rifle

A gun that produces a containment field.

Cosmetic computer

A machine for applying makeup.

Cosmic Treadmill/Time Treadmill

The Cosmic Treadmill is a treadmill that allows any individual with super-speed to travel through time and dimensions more precisely and reliably than if they could on their own.


A communicator that works through time.


A weapon that can disintegrate its target

Doomsday bomb

A tiny, very powerful bomb.


A raygun-like gadget that can duplicate anything.

Dupli-writing stylus

A writing implement that can send impressions to thousands of scripto-plates at once. 

Earth-tube express

A transportation system that travels via tunnels through the center of the Earth.

Electro stylus

A penlike device for metal engraving.

Energy grappler

A net-like weapon used to immobilize unfriendly, invading ships.

Enlarging ray

A device that enlarges things.

Footstep Drive

A stardrive system developed by McCauley Industries, at allows short dimensional hops between travel poibts, enabling interstellar travel.

Force rings

Projected rings of force, useful for pushing things

Force shield/force field

An immaterial, impenetrable field of force.


Whip-like device which produces a lash of painful energy


Pills that freeze people for a specific length of time.


A ray that...freezes things.

Fusion Powersphere

 A generator fo fusion energy which supplies power to the world. One of the Seven Wonders of the 30th Century.


Gill-masks extract oxygen from water, allowing those who wear them to breathe underwater as long as they like.


Full-body versions of bill-masks,mallowing peopke to breathe and operate underwater.

Global Tunnel

A tunnel bored for scientific purposes through the center of the Earth. Generators at either end project a force field that keeps the tunnel from collapsing. One of the Seven Wonders of the 30th Century.


Equivalent to a flashlight

Great Wind Control Center

A machine thatncontrols all the wind-currents and weather on Earth. One of the Seven Wonders of the 30th century.


A device that detects guilt.

Heat ray

A ray that...uh...projects heat


An infallible lie detector machine.


A handheld device invented by Brainiac 5, a hypno-flasher temporarily puts its subject under the command of the one wielding it.

Hypnosis machine

A machine that can super-hypnotize almsot any being.


A compact form of information storage. Infotapes store 3-D images which can be projected with a special projector.


A Daxamite machine built on the principle of the device that revived Lightning Lad when he was killed, the exchanger transfers life-essence from the living to the dead.

Luthor's mind-helmet

KAn invention of Lex Luthor which boosts human mental power tremendously.

Magnetotronic rays

Used to hold Legion detention spheres in midair.


Robots used by the Science Police. They attach themselves to a vessel and burrow into the hull, reprogramming the controls to obey Science Police commands.


A recorded memory of an event.

Mind-Exchanger Machine/Ray

A gadget that exchanges minds between different bodies

Mind-Pictures Chair
  • Projects mind-tape pictures into the pineal gland by cerebral induction
Mind-prober ray

A device for retrieving memories and projecting them on a screen.

Mnd-Over-Matter Machine

A Kryptonian machine that can materialize whaterver the operator iagines

Molecular glue-gun

A weapon that produces molecular glue ideal for cloggong engines.

Mother Box

Mother Boxes are sentient, autonomous computers typically found on New Genesis. The term 'living computer' should be understood as an approximation; they seem to be part living being, part highly developed machine. They look like small boxes, about the size of a Terran house brick at largest.


Goggles for watching video.

Moving sidewalk

A sidewalk


A gun-like weapon that can stun.

Normalizer ray

A ray that can undo some physiological changes.

Obedience collar

Used to control prisoners on Takron-Galtos.


A multi-purpose communications and reference device.


31st century news and entertainment network.

Plasto-body cast

A full-body cast for healing broken bones.


Used in prism therapy a part of rehabilitation treatment on Takrob-Galtos, the prism-lights hypnotically deaden the evil part of them brain.


A special type of glass that amplifies stun rays, making them fatal.


A gadget for probing anf viewing.


Small, self-contained jets for propulsion.

Proton-drive sub-sea cruiser

An undersea transport on Xanthu.


Invented by the villain Alaktor, the psycho-changer transfers personality from one body to another.


A Kryptonian gadget which projects halos of repelling force

Reversed Evolutionary Ray

A weapon that causes animals to become monsters resembling their ancestors from thousands of eyars ago.

Reversed Waterfalls

 A series of great pumps which desalinate sea water and pump it over a high cliff to irrigation channels that serve an inland desert area. One of the Seven Wonders of the 30th Century.


A gadget, built by Brainiac 5, which reverses things.


Weapons that produce a ray that can shear through the toughest steel.

Rocket belt(s)

Flying belts fitted with rockets


A desert transport vehicle used on Xanthu.


Writing pads that can receive remote impressions from a dupli-writing stylus.

Seeron auto-chair

Automated chairs used in the dimension of Seeris.


A weapon whose rays can age their target ten thousand years in thirty seconds.

Shrink ray

Invented by Brainiac, a ray for shrinking people and things.

Space Beacon

A tall tower at Metropolis Spaceport, serves as a navigational aid.


Basis of interstellar travel in Earth-247 continuity.

Stratosphere Laboratory

A facility on which experiments are conducted in the upper atmosphere. The Stratosphere Laboratory stands on four enormous legs. One of the Seven Wonders of 30th century.


A club

Sun City

A small, enclosed city that travels swiftly around the world on wide tracks, following the sun.One of the Seven Wonders of 30th century.

Super-power neutralizer

A weapon that can neutralize super powers.

Super-power switch ray

A gadget that can switchnpowers of super-beings.


Instantaneous travel from one location to another, often done by a ray or machinery.

Thought-transfer Helmet(s)

Device which transfersthoughts and mental images from one person to another.


A time-travel device


A mirror from the planet Xalla which refl4ects people not as they are, but as they will when the age.

Time-Reversal Ray

A Kryptonian ray that hurls any chose area  a million years back in time


A device that can upset the balance of specetime, thus changing history.

Time-Space Thoght-Scanner

A device invented by Luthor which tunes in minds in any part of the universe and in anyeriod of time.

Tracer beam

A beam that traces the heat trail fo rockets.


Recording device that captures events on tape.

Truth disc

A small lie detector invented by Brainiac 5.


A powerful type of gun that can stop evil energy beings.


A weapon that produces powerful vibrations.


Audiovisual records that can contain vast amounts of information. Possibly another term for infotape.


An experimental machine that opens a spacewarp to any planet, allowing for one-step travel throughout the universe.

Weather control device

A pocket-size device for controlling local weather.


A ray that can melt lurium metal.

Zutronic brain

Unusual advanced brain for robots.

Game Games/Sports

Holographic Dungeons and Dragons game
Mind-Engineer game set

A mentally-controlled construction set conceptiually similar to lego or erector set.


A chesslike game played on Ventura. Sharr is played in three dimensions using mental control.
