The Flash #203

26 Oct 2020
Flash #203
The Flash #203 1971/Feb

"The Flash's Wife is a Two-Timer"

Time Period(s): 
30th century
20th century
Superman's Time
Legion's Recent Past

Mission Monitor Board

Superman (classic)
Flash, The (Barry Allen)
Superman (classic)
DC Multiverse: 


• Central City

Get-a-Life Boy says

Iris West Allen is revealed to be the daughter of Eric and Fran Russell of the 30th century. She was sent back in time 1,000 years when an attack on her city seemed about to succeed. She later returned to the 30th century and was reunited with her parents, who survived the attack.

A later version of Iris was the mother of Dan and Dawn Allen, the Tornado Twins, and grandmother of Bart Allen and Legionnaire XS. Thus, the era when Iris arrives in the 30th century is around the time most Leigonnaires were born.`

The 30th century as portrayed in this story is incompatible with the Legion's time. Pre-Crisis they were considered two alternate futures; Crisis merged them.