2,087 stories cataloged
All-Star Squadron #54
9 Aug 2020
- Amazing Man (all-star squadron)
- Atom, The (JSA)
- Batman (earth-two)
- Black Condor
- Doctor Fate
- Doctor Mid-Nite (JSA)
- Doctor Occult
- Doll Man
- Firebrand
- Flash, The (Jay Garrick)
- Gernsback
- Green Arrow (golden age)
- Green Lantern/Sentinel (Alan Scott)
- Guardian (golden age)
- Hawkgirl (JSA)
- Hawkman (JSA)
- Hourman (JSA)
- Johnny Thunder (JSA)
- Phantom Lady
- Plastic Man
- Ray, The (Freedom Fighters)
- Robotman (all-star squadron)
- Sandman (JSA)
- Sandy the Golden Boy/Sand
- Shining Knight
- Spectre, The
- Star-Spangled Kid
- Starman (JSA)
- Superman (earth-two)
- Tarantula
- Wonder Woman (JSA)
- Atom, The (JSA)
- Batman (earth-two)
- Doctor Fate
- Doctor Mid-Nite (JSA)
- Flash, The (Jay Garrick)
- Green Lantern/Sentinel (Alan Scott)
- Hawkgirl (JSA)
- Hawkman (JSA)
- Hourman (JSA)
- Johnny Thunder (JSA)
- Nuklon/Atom Smasher
- Robin (earth-two)
- Sandman (JSA)
- Sandy the Golden Boy/Sand
- Spectre, The
- Starman (JSA)
- Superman (earth-two)
- Wonder Woman (JSA)