Batman '66

Legion '66
Based on: 

A version of the Classic Legion that appeared in Batman '66 Meets the Legion of Super-Heroes. Among the departures from the Classic Legion:

  • Ferro Lad and Shadow Lass were members simultaneously
  • Night Girl was a member (or working with the LSH at this time)
  • Insect Queen was a member (or working with the LSH at this time)
  • Robin was offered Legion membership and was hailed by the LSH as "the greatest super-teen ever."

Ferro Lad hinted at some temporal shenanigans associated with this alternate: "...Assuming, of course, the Time Trapper hasn't killed me off again." Brainiac 5 added, "That one time-branch with the Sun-Eater was a doozy, took us months to fix that one."

Last modified: 
10/05/2019 - 10:59