Superman #15

1 Jul 2020
Superman 15 (2019)
Superman 15 (2019) variant cover
Superman #15 2019/Nov

"The Unity Saga: The House of El (conclusion part two)"

Time Period(s): 
21st century
Superman's Time

Mission Monitor Board

Blok (millennium)
Bouncing Boy (millennium)
Brainiac 5 (millennium)
Chameleon Boy (millennium)
Colossal Boy (millennium)
Cosmic Boy (millennium)
Dawnstar (millennium)
Dream Girl (millennium)
Element Lad (millennium)
Gold Lantern (millennium)
Karate Kid (millennium)
Light/Lightning Lass (millennium)
Lightning Lad (millennium)
Matter-Eater Lad (millennium)
Mon-El (millennium)
Monster Boy (millennium)
Phantom Girl (millennium)
Princess Projectra (millennium)
Saturn Girl (millennium)
Shadow Lass (millennium)
Shrinking Violet (millennium)
Star Boy (millennium)
Sun Boy (millennium)
Superboy (Jon Kent) (millennium)
Timber Wolf (millennium)
Triplicate Girl (millennium)
Ultra Boy (millennium)
White Witch (millennium)
Wildfire (millennium)
Adam Strange symbol
Green Lantern(s)
Lydea Mallor symbol
Supergirl (millennium)
Superman (millennium)
Vril Dox symbol

Roll Call

Bits of Legionnaire Business

  • Invisible Kid is not present. Or are they?

Get-a-Life Boy says

As the title indicates, this is basically a wrap-up of the Superman story arc; the Legion has come back in timebto witness the moment that the United Planets is founded (aka Unity Day). They're all "very excited and loopy from the time travel," and Brainy's miscalculation caused them to arrive four minutes early. So the Legion of SUper-Heropes becomes part of the celebration of the first Unity Day.

The Legionnaires invite Superboy (Jon) to come to the 31st century for a visit, and give him a day to thinik it over. They'll return to him on Earth the next day. Then they fly off into the timestream.

Chronicler's Error?

The Legion's historical records were complete enough to pinpoint the exact moment and location of the first Unity Day...but not complete enough for them to know that they, themselves, were present? Well, let's suppose they got their information from a historical marker or such:"On this spot, at exactly 1:45 pm on September 18, 2019, the United Planets was founded in the first Unity Day." That could explain it.