Farewell, L.E.G.I.O.N.

(This was originally published on May 21, 2011)


Our R.E.B.E.L.S. are now ended. These our L.E.G.I.O.N.naires,

As Brainy foretold you, were all Legion knockoffs and

Are melted into limbo, comic book limbo:

And, like the pointless plots of this vision,

The towers of Rann, the Tamaranean palaces, 

The Psion laboratories, the Vegan system itself,

Ye all which it inherit, shall dissolve

And, like this Baxter paper faded,

Leave an empty rack behind. They are such stuff

As graphic novels are made on, and their little lives

Are rounded with bright covers.

(apologies to Will Shakespeare)