Also known as the Retroboot Legion or Lightning Saga Legion.
A version of the classic Legion that reappeared in the Lightning Saga and was the subject of the Legion renaissance of the late 2000s.
Young Clark Kent was a member under the name Superboy, a name which he did not use in his own time period.
Supergirl was briefly a member.
Lar Gand was a Daxamite traveler who encountered young Clark Kent long enough to get the name Mon-El, but had to go into the Phantom Zone to escape lead poisoning. In Superman's time, Mon-El was released from the Zone and served as Superman's replacement while Supes was on New Krypton. After helping Supes and the Legion defeat Brainiac, Mon-El seeded various alien worlds with cities rescued from Brainiac's collection. Mon-El then went back it no the Phantom Zone, where he waited until released by the Legion nearly a thousand years later.