P.O. Box 683
Columbia, MD 21045
Reading fan, Club fan (BSFS and Costumers' Guild), Costume fan, Convention fan, Art fan and sometimes artist fan.
Con Committees: Balticon Masquerade: Masquerade Green Room and partial costume programming, 1990 to present. NolaCon costuming program, 1988. BucConeer Masquerade Co-Chair, 1998. CosumeCon 21 Fantasy Masque Green Room, 2003.
Fanzine Hugo Nominee 1986. Various Costume awards from 1984 through 1991 at Regional, CostumeCon and Worldcon levels. A total of 16 presentation awards and a bunch of workmanship awards.
Treasurer, Baltimore Science Fiction Society, late 1980's to about 1995. Has served on the board.
Other fanac: Masquerade judging at a WesterCon, Philcons, Arisias, Millenium Philcon, LA Con.