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Schism of the Hlutr

Almost from the beginning, there were vast gulfs between the Hlutr of the Gathered Worlds and those of the Scattered Worlds. Scattered Worlds Hlutr, who sprang from seeds cast into the Galactic Halo in advance of Pylistroph Seed Vessels, were considerably more isolated than those of the Gathered Worlds. In addition, Scattered Worlds Hlutr tended to be much younger.

Paka Tel

Hemmin Daaveren Ketahensel

The Book of the Grand Scheme

annotations: traditional and Mal Arin · Kyl Mathis · Wen Taris of Nephestal
editor: Maarten Travesh, Galactic Rider · Nephestal, Terra, Ptyra

Argument and Invocation:

Elder Spirit

Mysterious, long-lived entities whose exact nature is unknown (and possibly unknowable). The Elder Spirits were venerated in the Pylistroph and before.

Hlutr Stone


The Secluded Realm

The Secluded Realm is a Dyson Sphere around a G3 star somewhere in the Scattered Worlds. The exact location is a secret to all but the Wisest of the Daamin and various Galactic Riders. Access is available only through special shuttles from Nephestal, which run on an irregular schedule.

The honored dead of the Scattered Worlds are buried in the Secluded Realm, in a cemetery near the Eldest Hlut. Their atoms become part of the Eldest's structure.

The Hlutr Inner Voice

(some notes by Yerodin Hoister)

The Inner Voice of the Hlutr is a method of long-distance mental communication, yet it is not telepathy in the way that we understand telepathy. If standard telepathy is a single voice carried over a taut, vibrating string, then the Inner Voice is more like a whole symphony carried on the wind.

Standard telepathy is a mind-to-mind phenomenon. Yes, a skilled telepath can "broadcast" to many minds at once, or "eavesdrop" on any telepathic exchange; and the emotions of telepaths in distress can be felt by others attuned to them. But by and large, telepathy is a low-bandwidth, single-channel phenomenon. [For technical details, see The Physics of Psi by Yewanda Hoister et al, Natekla Institute Press, 22,604.]

The Inner Voice, contrariwise, is a high-bandwidth, multi-channel, multi-participant phenomenon. It propogates, as it were, into a shared information space. The Inner Voice, which is most often metaphorized as music, carries not just linear voice but emotional resonances, sensory impressions, multi-layered memory, and unconscious thoughts. There is an element of persistance in the Inner Voice: we have reports of "echoes" that continue for lifetimes.

We also know that the Inner Voice is a distinct phenomenon from telepathy, because there is no correlation between telepathic ability and the ability to sense the Inner Voice. Many accomplished Human telepaths have cannot detect the Inner Voice; some Humans who are extremely sensitive to the Inner Voice are telepathically deaf.

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