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A technology allowing faster-than-light communications, based on tachyon vesicles.

Defense Screens

Defense screens in the Scattered Worlds universe are primary based on the technology of tachyon vesicles.


Antigravity in the Scattered Worlds universe is primary based on the technology of tachyon vesicles.

FTL Travel & Communication

FTL travel and communication in the Scattered Worlds universe are primary based on the technology of tachyon vesicles.

Tachyon Vesicles

Tachyon vesicles are naturally-occurring piezogravitational bubbles composed mostly of quintessent matter. They are usually found in interstellar space, in comets, and in the rings of gas giants. Physically, they resemble soap bubbles without the fragility. When stimulated by coherent radiation, tachyon vesicles produce four distinct effects: antigravity, ultrawave, tachyon conversion, and defense screens.


hen stimulated by coherent radiation, a tachyon vseicle produce a grav field which is highly directionsal and variable in intensity. By allowing the vesicles free movement, and by varying intensity and wavelength of the radiation, almost any grav effect can be produced. Generally, since stimulated vesicles are fragile, total vesicle mass should be at least 0.00000364 of the mass being moved.


A stimulated tachyon vesicle produces a single ultrawave tone. These tones range through six octaves on the UW Effect Scale. Amplitude modulation carries a signal which can be detected in a receiving set. By the variation introduced into the receiving vesicle, decoding can be accomplished even if the two units are not tuned to the same note -- although best results are obtained from units tuned to whole multiples of an octave apart.

A "keyed" ultrawave circuit obtains between to sub-vesicles produced from the same parent. Since each vesicle is extremely sensitive to its twin(s), very low amplitude can carry a signal undetectable even to vesicles tuned to the same note. Keyed ultrawave communication does not pass through Ultrawave Relays and can be used across most of the Galaxy.

The Free Peoples of the Scattered Worlds use a frequency modulation ultrawave signal which is totally undetectable without the tunable antigrav.

Tachyon Conversion (FTL drive)

Conversion to tachyon (faster-than-light) phase is a catastrophic effect that takes place when a tachyon vesicle is overloaded with energy. In response, the vesicle expends energy by producing a field which converts all particles within into their tachyon equivalents. The triggering energy varies on a logarithmic scale, according to the total mass of the system. Masses above 10^25 kg cannot be converted; the vesicle(s) will destabilize first.

The radius of the conversion field is determined by the total mass of vesicles used, and is given by r = 1.65*(m)^(1/3).

In the presence of too many shifting grav fields, tachyon vesicles will destabilize; the precise destabilization potential (and hence, speed limits) are given by Basse's Law. In practical terms, Basse's Law limits the speed of FTL travel within the Galaxy to roughly 500 parsecs/hour.

Defense Screens

A rotating tachyon vesicle, within a grav field produced by a resonating vesicle, creates a primitive version of the K1 defense screen. Variations in energy, rotation, frequency, etc. can modulate the field to just about any desired configuration.

The L-type pressure screen is a sophisticated antigrav effect, rather than a true defense screen.

Defense Screen Types:

  • K1: Absorbs radiant energy, kinetic energy of objects faster than 50% lightspeed; overloads and explodes when radiation passes violet.
  • K2: Like K1 but radiates well into ultraviolet before failure.
  • K3: "Full coverage" - reflects all radiant energy and matter. Development of the Federation of Kindreds.
  • K4: "Antishock" or "Anticrash" -- kinetic damper, can be set for any range -- must be used in connection with another K-type field for radiation. Developed by Federation of Kindreds.
  • K5: Absorbs all of the above, radiates as neutrinos. Fails when neutrino radiation passes Moore's Limit. Developed in Late Second Empire.



The Raytheonic Oath

The Raytheonic Oath, named after Eduard Raytheon, is an oath taken by telepaths and, eventually, by all psi-talented individuals. The Hoister Family adopted the Raytheonic Oath in TE 79, and carried it with them to the Secondary Spaces.

The oath is given in the presence of a telepath, and the swearer's mind is open so that the telepath may read his/her sincerity. No practicing telepath is given the approval of the McIntyre School without swearing the Raytheonic Oath.

Text of the Oath:

I swear by all the gods of my house, by the spirits of my ancestors, and by the integrity of my being that I will keep this oath to the end of my life.

I will hold in highest regard those who taught me my art. They shall be as my parents and siblings, and I pledge that they shall never suffer want or neglect while I can prevent it.

I will use my talents as I have been taught, always guided first by the dictates of conscience and morality, second by civil law, and third by the orders of my superiors. I will be personally and singly responsible for all my actions, and will allow no other to take that responsibility from me.

I pledge never to use my talent in anger or other emotion, nor while I am made irresponsible by drugs. I pledge always to be respectful of the rights of those without my abilities, and always to be courteous to those who share my talent. I pledge that I will render aid and instruction to any who have not mastered their talents.

With purity and holiness I will pass my life and practice my art. Whatever I learn through my art and under seal of secrecy, this shall remain secret; whatever I learn without such seal, I will not reveal without clear and compelling reason.

While I continue to keep this oath unviolated, may it be granted to me to enjoy life and the practice of my art and craft, respected by all men, in all times; but shoul I trespass and violate this oath, may the reverse be my lot, and may my life be forfeit to the one who took this oath and to all paranormals everywhere. In token of my sincerity I open my mind to my oath-taker and my teachers, that they may read and judge my intentions.

Adulthood Qualifying Exams

Adulthood tests in the First Empire (and some subsequent societies) are neurological tests that determined the brain's ability to deal with adult issues & concepts - consequences for actions, mortality, the general constellation that falls under the heading of "maturity." The tests are age-independent. In many cases, especially among the Idara, chronological children received drugs and training to prepare them for their adulthood early.

After passing adulthood tests, newly-recognized adults could be fitted for neurological interfaces that enabled add-ons for enhanced memory, mental organization, etc.

Welcome to the Imperial Adulthood Qualifying Exams. These tests will determine your brain’s physical ability to deal with the constellation of adult concepts and issues that fall under the general heading of “maturity.” The tests will examine the electrical and chemical activity of your brain under certain conditions.

As the tests proceed, you will be presented with various virtreal scenarios so that the responses of your brain and nervous system can be determined. It is common to experience emotional and physiological changes during these scenarios. Do not be alarmed.
For your own safety and for testing accuracy, your body will be naturally immobilized during the tests. This is accomplished by the use of neural inhibitors that cause a temporary loss of muscle tone. This exact process occurs naturally whenever you are asleep and dreaming, and is called sleep paralysis. There is no cause for alarm. If you find that you cannot move at the end of a test session, just relax and the sensation will pass momentarily. An attendant is available and ready to assist you.

The tests usually take 3-5 hours. When your tests are complete, your results will be scored independently by at least three separate clusters of AIs. Results are usually available within 30 minutes.

Once you pass your adulthood tests, you will immediately be qualified for adult privileges and responsibilities in our society, including (but not limited to) rights to:

  • Vote in all elections
  • Sign and be party to legal contracts (including marriage)
  • Make legal and medical decisions for yourself
  • Participate in the workforce
  • Apply for license to procreate and raise children
  • Serve in the Imperial Navy or Marines
  • Participate in maturity-restricted activities and access maturity-restricted content
  • Possess and use maturity-restricted mind-altering substances
  • Fully participate in the legal system
  • Qualify for licenses to operate maturity-restricted equipment (including piloting)
  • Further privileges and responsibilities are listed in the appendix.

You may also receive a “qualified pass,” which will allow you some but not all of the rights and responsibilities of adulthood. In that case, your status will be fully explained to you by a qualified advisor.

Do not be discouraged if your score is “fail” or “qualified pass.” Your have the right to re-take your tests after a period of 100 days. Subsequently, you have the right to re-take the tests every 100 days, up to three times in each calendar year.

The Right Datapad Makes All the Difference

The Right Datapad Makes All the Difference


When you’re looking for a datapad, you want high resolution, quick response, durability, and compatibility. And above all, you want value.

All Ipuwer brand datapads feature near-molecular scale resolution, with nano-addressing to achieve results that exceed the limit of unenhanced human eyesight. With a refresh rate less than 0.01 seconds, Ipuwer datapads can display even the highest-speed video with no trace of breakups or artifacting.

Constructed from permaplast polymers that will last for decades of normal use, Ipuwer datapads are crumple-resistant and fully-rollable. And Ipuwer pads feature Snap-Smooth technology to eliminate folds and creases at the touch of a corner.

Ipuwer datapads are the most compatible on the market, fully compliant with all major data and networking standards, including FLBLA, Terran Empire Standard, and GalactiNet. Each Ipuwer pad comes with a minimum 2 TB of onboard memory, with access to local and wide-area network storage. Input methods include stylus, virtual keyboard, and auto-congifure data transfer from any system or network.

Ipuwer pads are available in all standard sizes, from wallet (5 x 7.5 cm) all the way up to Display (60 x 80 cm). Pads can be linked, physically and virtually, to make larger displays as needed. Available in multi-packs of 10, 25, and 50, Ipuwer datapads provide superior performance and value.

The Only Headset You'll Ever Need

The Only Headset You’ll Ever Need


Introducing the KL-1000, the most powerful and durable headset on the market. Combining superior connectivity with sophisticated intelligence, the KL-1000 may very well be the last headset you’ll ever need.

Comm functions? The KL-1000 is a multi-spec communi-cations device, seamlessly interfacing with all known comm standards for unparalleled voice/vision clarity. And translation to/from over 250 languages and dialects is built in. Whether it’s across the room or across the Galaxy, the KL-1000 gets the job done.

What about data? With tons of onboard memory, state-of-the-art processors, and no-worry networking, the KL-1000 makes data management effortless. Personal contacts, schedules, holos, music, documents—the KL-1000 manages any and all data in your life…and provides quick & easy access to local, wide, planetary, and Galactic internets.

Powerful as it is, the KL-1000 is small enough to fit behind an ear. The unit interfaces with standard datapads, screens, and spex for hassle-free input and output. It also responds to voice commands, with outstanding natural-language processing. The optional neural-induction interface* outputs directly to optic and aural nerve centers, and can be configured to read and interpret eye movements and subvocal commands.

To top it off, the KL-1000 is sturdy and durable; this is a unit that you could easily pass along to your great-grandchild.

* Neural-induction interface carries a small risk of brain damage.

Medical First Aid Diagnostic Leech

Medical First Aid Diagnostic Leech
Emergency Instructions


You will need:

  • Series A-1 First Aid (red) or B-1 Diagnostic (white) leech
  • Datapad(s) or dataspex
  • Phone or other communications device
  1. Peel back the leech’s transparent covering. Attach leech to patient’s exposed skin. (If the patient is wounded, attach the leech as near as possible to any wounds.)
  2. It is normal for the leech to deflate as nanos enter the patient’s bloodstream. Leech casing will drop off or disintegrate when no longer needed.

  3. Nanos will perform diagnosis and begin any necessary treatment. Consult your datapad and follow any instructions.
  4. Provide a means for nanos to communicate with medical resources or authorities.

  5. Further, specialized leeches may be required. Be sure to match color and number before attaching leeches to patient.
  6. If medical professionals are available or needed, they will be summoned by nanos. Please be prepared to assist in locating patient for authorities.


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