Marc Hoister
Father of Damien Nshoigoza
Umoja Cultural Minsiter
Dark brown
175 cm
280 pounds
Eyes: brown
Large, dark, and imposing. The very picture of the classical Central African chief.
1991: Born in south-side Chicago as Martin Luther King Hajari.
2003: (12) First arrest (of many)
2007: (16) Sentenced to 4 years in Joliet II.
2008: (17) Studies with Mustafah Faatih; reforms & renames himself Marc Hoister.
2011: (20) Joins Nexus as a founding member, with Mustafah Faatih as sponsor.
2012: (21) Released from prison, moves to Africa with Mustafah Faatih.
2013: (22) Meets Oradell Maris through Nexus.
2016: (24) Marries Oradell Maris.
2017: (26) Mustafah Faatih dies; Damien born.
2018: (27) Umoja formed.
2019: (28) Begins work with deported American blacks.
2020: (30) Named Cultural Minister for Mashariki Region of Umoja.
2025: (34) Replaced by "Jack." Oradell Maris dies. Damien flees to Timbuktu, then America.
Oradell Maris
Damien Nshogoza Hoister
Strong, intelligent, likeable